Market FAQs
We answer your questions here.
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The Mirboo North Market is held in the Baromi Park, which is right in the centre of Mirboo North township, right on the main street, called Ridgway. You can access the map and directions here.
It is held on the last Saturday of each month. Except for December. There is no market in December.
Sometimes, that means the market is on the 5th Saturday of the month. Check your calendars. For 2025, the Market dates are here.
In terms of the time - it runs from 8:30 am to 1 pm. The stall holders bump in from 7 am, but there is no trading until 8:30 am.
The Mirboo North Market is managed by Mirboo Country Development Incorporated (MCDI), a membership-based incorporated association which provides community development and tourism capabilities to the town and district through its own projects or supporting other local organisations. You can join MCDI via the Mirboo North town website or the application form is here.
Given the market operates on the last Saturday of any month, the last Saturday in December is always between Christmas and New Year. Our experience has been that most people are out of town visiting relatives at this time, so the market was deemed not to be viable. Furthermore, our stall holder community have families as well - and are usually in the same boat in terms of family commitments. What we do have though, is Christmas in the 'Boo, another MCDI-auspiced event, which occurs in the first week of December. You can find our more info on this seasonal twilight market here.
We have an online application form - you can access it here. This is the only way you can apply to join the market.
Most, but not all, of our stalls accept EFTPOS - be it using credit or debit cards. Some stalls will charge you a service fee for this - it is up to you to decide if you want to use that service.
There is one ATM in Mirboo North and that is at the Bendigo Bank Branch in the centre of town, two doors down from the Strzelecki Bakery. You can also get cash out at the BP Service Station.
Mirboo North Market Money is now here! It is $150.00 of free market shopping. Every Market. But only one shopper can win each month. You have to be in it to win it. It is a simple action we are taking to provide a reward for people getting out of bed and coming up the hill to the town to spend some time and money at our market. Here is how it works: At the next market, the winner gets their tokens from us and exchanges them for goods with our stall holders. You cannot redeem Market Money tokens for cash. Meanwhile, our stalls are also giving out the next round of entry tickets. And so it goes on - with a winner every month and a solid $150.00 of shopping value to be redeemed with our stall holders. There are rules, of course - there are regulations about this stuff - we will have them available for perusal at the Market Info Tent. So - if you like the idea of a no-cost opportunity to win some shopping money, make a date in the diary for the last Saturday of each month and head to Baromi Park !
You certainly can - we have two resident baristas. Dave and Sharon Weymouth operate their Coffee's UP! van close to the cenotaph and will be brewing well before opening time at 8:30 am! Our second coffee van is owned by Belinda Rata and her van Beez Travel Bean can be found down in the car park area near the Grain Store - the choice is yours!
You can access a calendar of dates here.
We always welcome feedback on the market - it is very helpful to know how people perceive what we are doing - positive or negative. You can make informal feedback to any of our team at the market Information Tent, near the BBQ centre area. We are in the big orange gazebo with a purple INFORMATION teardrop flag close by,
For more formal feedback, we invite you to email us at or call Doug Parke on 0412300251 in normal business hours.