Market Money ©

Shop well with our stall holders and we will reward you with a chance to win $150 of Mirboo North Market Money tokens to spend at the following market! Our way of helping out and saving "thank you" to our loyal market attendees. Terms and conditions apply and full details are below.

How Market Money Works

The legal term for this initiative is a trade promotion lottery. The nitty gritty details are as follows:

It is the potential to win $150.00 of free market shopping. Every Market.

But only one shopper can win each month. You have to be in it to win it.

It is a simple action we are taking to provide a reward for people getting out of bed and coming up the hill to Mirboo North to spend some time and money at our market. Here is how it works:

  • You simply attend the Market and make a purchase from any of our stalls. A cup of coffee, a scrunchie, a bottle of jam, a sculpture.
  • The stall holder will give you a Market Money entry ticket.
  • You take that ticket to the Market Info Tent (located near the BBQ centre in the middle of the market) with the purple teardrop flag with INFORMATION on it.
  • You fill in your name and phone number. That goes into the Market Money box.
  • At 1 pm we close the market and we close the Market Money box.
  • Later on - we draw and contact the winner.
  • The winner will receive $150.00 in Market Money tokens which has to be spent at the next market.
  • At the next market, the winner gets their tokens from us and exchanges them for goods. Meanwhile, our stalls are also giving out the next round of tickets.
  • And so it goes on - with a winner every month and a solid $150.00 of shopping value to be redeemed with our stall holders.
  • There are rules, of course - there are regulations about this stuff - we will have them available for perusal at the Market Info Tent and you can read them below.
  • Here is a quick Market Money 101 for stallholders!

So - if you like the idea of a no-cost opportunity to win some shopping money:

  • Tell your friends!
  • Make a date in the diary for the last Saturday of every month (except December) to be in Mirboo North by 8:30 am - and see if you can be our monthly winner!
  • And please accept our thanks for supporting our Market!

Market Money Terms and Conditions of Entry

Our Market Money has rules, of course. We have put them all together in one place, so every one is on the same page - literally. Here they are in all their glory. Read them as they will apply to you if you fill out and submit a Market Money entry ticket. Your submission of a ticket is taken as acceptance of these terms and conditions.

We are not bound by the Australian or Victorian Privacy Act - but we do operate using its principles for the treatment of your personal data. We DO NOT on-sell or divulge your personal data unless required to by law or unless it is for legitimate business needs and operations and we have your explicit or implicit permission.

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