This is the Stall Holder's Stuff Page

Everything you need to know about how to become a stall holder and how to operate as a stall holder at our market is here. If there is something you need to know that we have forgotten, you are welcome to contact us and we will be right on it. You can also review our FAQs, as many of the chats between our stall team and our stall holders have been documented in these questions and answers.

Market Ts and Cs, Insurance Upload

There are rules everywhere. We've got them as well. Hopefully, you agree with all of them as they will apply to you when you accept a stall position at our market. Most are pretty common sense. Have a read. Stallholders can also upload their updated insurance here as well.

Get to the Market and Bump-in/Bump-out

7 am on the last Saturday of the month. Baromi Park. Mirboo North. Now, here's the detail:

Market Dates, Market Map and Stallholder FAQ

Just in case you need another copy.

Stall Holder Forum

Our online community of market stall holders - seek help, info, discuss pretty much anything. Within reason. Moderators operating.

We are not bound by the Australian or Victorian Privacy Act - but we do operate using its principles for the treatment of your personal data. We DO NOT on-sell or divulge your personal data unless required to by law or unless it is for legitimate business needs and operations and we have your explicit or implicit permission.

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Made in Mirboo North