Our Market - in detail
Everything you need to know about the market is here.
Stall Holder Profiles

Below is the link that will take you to the page showing the stall holders attending this month's market. This page will be refreshed by th organisers around the middle of the month, once all stall holders are confirmed. We suggest you bookmark this page in your browser and check back in towards the market day.
Music at the Market

This month we are very pleased to have the wonderful Gavin Chatelier join us as an our music act for February. Gavin is hugely popular with our stallholders and shoppers alike - and you can check out this credentials here.
Market FAQs
The wisdom of the Market. We've tried to think of all the questions you might want to ask. If we've missed one - there's a contact link in the FAQ too, so please send us a message - but check our list out first!